Family on Mission

We believe in the transformative power of being part of a faith family. Our mission is to live out God's calling together, supporting one another as we grow in faith, serve our community, and spread the love of Christ. Discover the joy and purpose of joining a family on mission, united in Christ and dedicated to making a difference in St. Louis and beyond.


Understanding Our Faith Family

At The Journey Tower Grove, we believe that family is more than just a group of people living under one roof. It's a divine design, a reflection of our relationship with God and each other. Our faith family is a community of believers who come together to learn, grow, and fulfill God's purpose for our lives.

In Mark 3, Jesus redefines the concept of family, emphasizing that true disciples of Jesus Christ obey and abide together. He teaches us that the faith family is adopted and privileged, global and local, same and different, and already but not yet sanctified.

  • Adopted and Privileged: As believers, we are adopted into God’s family and receive His inheritance. This adoption grants us an inheritance that includes His righteousness, goodness, and love.
  • Global and Local: The faith family spans across the globe, yet it thrives in local communities like ours in St. Louis. We are a global family, with brothers and sisters across the world, yet we also express our faith locally, right here in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Same and Different: Our family is united in Christ yet celebrates diversity in experiences and backgrounds. Our faith family is a mix of people who have experienced similar struggles and joys, providing support and encouragement along the way.
  • Already and Not Yet: We are already redeemed and sanctified in God's eyes, yet we continue to grow and mature in our faith. Our journey is one of ongoing sanctification, where we become more like Christ each day.

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The Mission of Our Faith Family

Our mission as a faith family is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament. We are called to obey and abide together, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, adhering to God's commandments, and fulfilling the Great Commission.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 reminds us to be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act with courage, be strong, and do everything in love. This passage serves as a foundation for how we live out our mission as a faith family.

  • Be Watchful: We remain vigilant against spiritual challenges and attacks, supporting each other through prayer and encouragement.
  • Stand Firm in Faith: United in our beliefs, we hold fast to the truth of the Gospel, standing together in times of trial.
  • Act with Courage: Boldly living out our faith, we take steps to share the love of Christ with those around us.
  • Be Strong: Strengthening each other through fellowship, we build a resilient community that can withstand any challenge.
  • Do Everything in Love: Love is the cornerstone of our faith family, guiding our actions and relationships.
  • HOW

    Practical Applications for Living Out Our Mission

    Living out our mission as a faith family involves practical steps that we can take together. Here are some ways we can actively engage in our mission:

    1. Share Faith with Younger Generations: Teach and model the principles of faith to our children, ensuring that the next generation grows up with a strong foundation in Christ.
    2. Serve Others: Participate in acts of service and kindness within our community, demonstrating the love of Christ through our actions.
    3. Support the Church: Contribute to the life of our church through tithes, offerings, and active involvement in church activities and ministries.
    4. Be a Light in the Neighborhood: Engage with our local community in St. Louis, Missouri, by building relationships and sharing the hope of the Gospel.
    5. Pray Together: Regularly come together in prayer, seeking God's guidance and strength for our faith family.
    6. Encourage Each Other: Provide support and encouragement to fellow members of our faith family, helping each other grow in faith and love.

    As we embrace our identity as a faith family on mission, we invite you to join us at The Journey Tower Grove. Together, we can fulfill God's purpose for our lives, making a difference in our community and beyond. Let us stand firm, be courageous, and do everything in love as we journey together in faith.